I was born in Burlington, Vermont, but spent most of my schooling years growing up in Greenwich, Connecticut.
I listen to Pandora almost constantly in my house, and especially for the holiday season, I love to be surrounded by the holiday spirit. As I was listening to Pandora, a commercial came on in between songs. This commercial was an ad for Google Chrome and It was a mind stimulating experience. To briefly describe it it was a fast paced fill-in-the-blank flashing before your eyes. I did not find out what the ad was for until the end of the it, and realized how much it had just made my mind go to work! Ahh...the blatant truth before our eyes...media knows that we know what we are becoming.
Pretty cool huh?
There are up's and down's to all technology. One thing that I like about my 21st century media culture is instant gratification. I am a huge fan of knowing what I want to know when I want to know it. Something as simple as the weather or what church street looks like to the minute over the web.
One thing that I do not like is the dependency that comes along with this gratification. After a while of getting used to always being able to find the answers to your questions, and that access of information if removed from my life it makes me feel frustrated and as though I might be missing out on important information. This creates a feeling of dependency on the media that is not necessary to live your life, and sometimes makes you forget the important things.
As for my future, first things first...I see myself with a Bachelors degree in Public Relations! I hope to create a solid background of work experience for myself over the next couple of years and eventually have the choice to move wherever I want and start my own firm.